K.B.K. fire, s.r.o., welcome!
K.B.K. fire, s.r.o. is company providing complex services in construction fire safety in Czech and Slovak Republic. Starting with project documentation, through realization of fire safety systems and precautions, preparation of final building approval in the cooperation with relevant State administrative body to the processing of operational documentation and providing preventive fire safety.
Our company specializes on processing of individual levels of project documentation of construction fire protection according to Public Notice MV No. 246/2001 Sb. about fire prevention in the sequence on the requirement of the Law No. 183/2006 Sb. about landscape planning and building regulations (building law) within the project preparation of construction and technologies.
- Construction fire safety solution
- Project documentation of reserved fire safety systems (electric fire signalization, fixed fire-fighting system, smoke and heat exhaust etc.)
- Expert reports and opinions
Within the building realization, our company provides production, assembly and then control of serviceability and revisions of fire safety systems.
Among the fire safety systems which we have certificated as our own products pertain these:
- systems for natural smoke and heat exhaust (system CARBOHEAT CO2 and ARCHHEAT CO2)
- firm glass smoke barriers (system SB-G/7)
- firm fabric smoke barriers (system SB-T/2)
- fire blinds (system FIROTEX-V)
- system of photoluminescence safety marking (system K450)
We also provide assembly of systems for forced smoke and heat exhaust (fire ventilators with piping for smoke and heat exhaust), sealing of cables and piping transmission through fire divided constructions including joint sealing, assembly of fire lining, assembly of smoke barriers and fire blinds, installation of safety marking etc.
Last but not least our company specializes on providing fire safety prevention within the operation (organization of fire safety, processing of fire safety documentation), our technicians provide periodical controls of serviceability (revisions) of fire safety systems according to §7 and §10 Public Notice MV No. 246/2001 Sb. and provides preventive fire inspections of the objects.